Benefits Of Quicklime In Water Treatment

Day 19/06/2024

Quicklime, also known as calcium oxide, is commonly used in water treatment processes due to its benefits and ability to effectively neutralize acidic water and remove impurities. 

Quicklime Lump – TECHMICOM


In water softening, people use quicklime to remove carbonate “hardness” from the water. Hardness caused by other calcium and magnesium salts is generally treated by means of the lime-soda process. This process entails the precipitation of magnesium by lime. The co-produced calcium salt reacts with the soda ash to form a calcium-carbonate precipitate. Lime-enhanced softening can also remove arsenic from water. Stricter drinking water regulations for arsenic have increased the need for this treatment.

2. pH Adjustment/Coagulation

People widely use quicklime to adjust the pH of water to prepare it for further treatment. Chemists use quicklime to combat “red water” by neutralizing the acid water, thereby reducing corrosion of pipes and mains from acid waters. The corrosive waters contain excessive amounts of carbon dioxide. Lime precipitates the CO2 to form calcium carbonate, which provides a protective coating on the inside of water mains.

3. Effect on Pathogen Growth

By raising the pH of water to 10.5-11 through the addition of lime and retaining the water in contact with lime for 24-72 hours, therefore lime controls the environment required for the growth of bacteria and certain viruses. This application of lime utilizes where “phenolic water” exists, because chlorine treatment tends to produce unpalatable water due to the presence of phenol. This process, called ‘excess alkalinity treatment’, also removes most heavy metals.

4. Removal of Impurities

One of the most common methods of removing silica from water involves the use of dolomitic lime. The magnesium component of this lime is also the active constituent in silica removal. People also use lime to remove manganese, fluoride, organic tannins and iron from water supplies.

Viet Nam Technology Mineral JSC  is proud to be the leading manufacturer and exporter of Hydrated Lime/ Slaked Lime, Quicklime in Vietnam. We are supplying high purity Lime for a variety of industrial applications, such as water and wastewater treatment, flue gas treatment, pulp and paper, construction (building, soil stabilization, and asphalt), mineral processing and metallurgy, agricultural fields, chemical manufacturing,…

Contact us for competitive quotation:


Mr. Leon Vu – Sales Executive
WhatsApp: +84 936 306 698
